
IĠd like to welcome these new clubs to the AADA:

Seattle Washington Autoduelling Team (SWAT)

President: Michael P. Owen
Sponsored by The Game Place
4518 University Way NE
Seattle, WA 98105

Northern Occidental Researchers and Duellists (NORAD)

President: M. Craig Stockwell
2000 Benson Rd. S. #115-134
Seattle, WA 98055-4452

DWARF on Wheels

President: Benjamin Frisch
34 Woodward Ave.
Asheville, NC 28804
SWAT and NORAD join the Northwest Region, a true hotbed of Car Wars action, while DWARF On Wheels brings autoduelling back to the Atlantic Coast Region! Welcome to the club, guys.

2045 Duelling Championship Results

Despite the early deadlines for Pyramid Magazine, some clubs have already weighed in with their championship results:

Jamie Sedler took the AVRO championship when two other participants in the Division 10 Cycle event decided to play chicken, with neither backing down. The resulting head-on collision came just points short of confetti-ing both participants, and left the unmolested Sedler free to finish them off at his leisure.

Jamie's Custom Cycle: Hvy cycle, Hvy suspension, Cycle windshell w/ 10 pts. armor, 2 PR steelbelted tires, 2 10-pt. wheelguards, 100 cid gas engine, 3-gallon HD gas tank w/10 pts. component armor, MG front, Single weapon computer, No-paint windshield, 17 pts. sloped armor. Top speed 120, Accel. 15, HC 2. Personal equipment: Hatchet, grenade launcher, sling, 7 grenades, 2 thermite grenades, 1 concussion grenade, 3 impact fuses, Duellist's shades, Body armor, Armored battle vest. $9,999.40, 1299.25 lbs.

Montreal's M.A.G. reported that Thierry Tremblay took their Club Championship, but didn't provide any details of the mayhem.

The AADA's most rabid club, Omaha's NOVA, weighed in with a Division 60 (!!) duel in their Aksarben Arena. Defending Club Champion Chris French had the nastiest combination of firepower and duelling savvy to successfully defend his title. "Where the hell is the challenge in Division 60?," a disgruntled French said afterward. "Absurdism battleships rumbling around dragging enough firepower to gut a city? Whatever idiot decided on the format ought to be shot."

Chris' CFI Z-95 Headhunter: Lux, CA frame, X-hvy chassis, Hvy suspension, Sport powerplant, 4 solid tires, driver, 2 linked X-ray lasers front with Hi-res single-weapon computer, radar. Armor: F65, L60, R60, B65, T1, U10. Accel. 5, Top Speed 115, HC 3. 6,460 lbs., $59,992.

2045 Racing Championships:

The Official Rules

The 2045 AADA World Racing Championships will be held at GenCon in Milwaukee, WI, August 10-13. This year, Soldiers & Swords, who will be showing off their Car Wars 3-D miniatures and terrain, will be sponsoring the event. The finals will be played on a custom race course designed by the S & S folks, using their products. As usual, the championship will be a three-round, four-event contest.
  • Rule 1: The 2044 World Racing Championship will be an open tournament. Entrants need not be members of the American Autoduel Association.

  • Rule 2: All rules in the Car Wars Compendium, Second Edition, any official errata released since its publication, and Uncle Albert's Catalog From Hell shall be the official game rules for the event. Rules and errata with a later date of publication shall take precedence over earlier rulings. All applicable rules from AADA tournament guidelines published in Autoduel Quarterly and Pyramid will also be in effect.

  • Rule 3: Vehicle designs must be turned in at least 3 hours prior to the beginning of the final to the Soldiers & Swords booth at GenCon. You may submit up to three designs for the referee to check; please indicate the order of preference.

  • Rule 4: Any car found to be illegal may be altered by the referee to make it legal. If the referee determines that none of the submitted designs can be made legal, a substitute car will be issued.

  • Rule 5: Foul language, harassment of another player, coaching by a non-player or any other unsportsmanlike activity (as determined by the referee or a Soldiers & Swords employee) are grounds for disqualification. There are no appeals.

  • Rule 6: Have fun!