INWO Assassins Errata and Questions
October 1, 2000
Even after exhaustive playtesting and proofreading, some errors still slipped through the cracks. The guilty parties have been (ahem) disciplined severely.
Alien Abduction: The second half of this card is errataed from:
"Alternatively, play this card on a Personality in your hand (or in play but uncontrolled) to take control of them automatically."
"Alternatively, you may spend an action from the UFOs or a Space Group to automatically take control of a Personality from your hand (or the uncontrolled area), at any time except during an attack."
Blinded by Science The card now reads:
"Control at least 6 Science Groups having a total Power of 30 or more."
Brazil and Hawaii should both specify ''each turn.''
FLESH-EATING BACTERIA The card now reads:
"Disaster! This is an Attack to Destroy any Place. It does not require an action. Its Power is 20.
"This is not an Instant attack. Any Science Group can aid the target Place. The Center for Disease Control has triple Power to aid the target Place.
"If the attack succeeds, the target is Devastated. If the die roll succeeds by more than 8, the target is destroyed, and the fiend who played this card may spend a Science action to return it to his hand."
Global Warming should read: "...makes all non-space places coastal." Yep, those seas really do rise, don't they?
GO FISH The card now reads:
"Ask any rival for a specific Plot. He must show you all his hidden Plots, give you all instances of the Plot you named, and discard two undrawn Plots for each one -- but if he has none of the Plot you named, all your Plots are exposed.
"Anyone who has received a Plot card from a rival or been forced to show a rival any non-exposed Plot in his hand or deck is immune to Go Fish until the end of his next turn."
The Green Party's special ability should explicitly give +4 to any attempt to control any other Green group.
OIL SPILL This card now reads:
"Disaster! This is an Instant Attack to Destroy any Coastal Place. It does not require an action. Its Power is 14 against a Huge Place, 18 against any other. If the attack succeeds, the target is Devastated. If the die roll succeeds by more than 6, the target is destroyed.
"You may place an extra Action token on every Green Group in play immediately after this attack succeeds. No player may do this more than once per game.
"Alternatively, this card may be played to add +10 to any attack against OPEC or the Multinational Oil Companies.
Society of Assassins: Two versions of this card exist! One says: "Any Secret group counts double for you as long as none of your rivals control a Secret group with more power." The other: "Any Secret group counts double toward your total number of groups controlled, as long as none of your rivals control a Secret group with more power." The two versions work exactly the same in the game.
The Swingers get +1 Power for every other Liberal group in your Power Structure.
Frequently Asked Questions
Questions about Assassins cards:
- Alien Abduction
- Apathy
- Australia
- Australian Rules
- Back to the Salt Mines
- Big Prawn
- Black Helicopters
- Church of Violentology
- Day Care Centers
- Dittoheads
- Drug Companies
- Fickle Finger of Fate
- General Disorder
- Go Fish!
- Illuminati University
- Interesting Times
- Lyndon LaRouche
- The Magic Goes Away
- Militia
- Near Miss
- Nevermore
- Nutrition Nazis
- Paralyze
- Partition
- Recycling Centers
- Regi$tered Trademark
- Reverse Whammy
- Society of Assassins
- Sudden European Vacation
- Sufficiently Advanced Technology
- The Thule Group
- X-Ray Specs
- Zaps
- Zaps: Can't take foo group
What's this I hear about some Assassins cards being printed with Plot backs on Groups and vice versa? Are they worth anything?
Yes, it seems to have happened to a few sheets. We've heard of people using the misprints as good trading fodder. If they're worth Big Bucks, it's news to us. They are not tournament legal. We will replace them, if you get them and don't want them . . . send the misprints and a stamped, self-address envelope to our office.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled New World Order, already in progress.