Roleplayer #9, March 1988

Writing for GURPS

SJ Games has a bit of a problem. The demand for new material for the GURPS line is just too great for our regular "stable" of authors to meet. This means SJ Games is on the lookout for new game-writing talent – new authors who can help us meet the demand for high-quality roleplaying material. If you have an idea for a GURPS project, and the talent and discipline it takes to produce a publishable, 50,000+ word manuscript, then we want to hear from you.

We'll happily review any professionally-assembled proposal we receive. You don't have to be a previously-published game author to put together a professional proposal, though. All you need to do is send us the following items: a cover letter, introducing yourself, your background, and any writing credits; a one-page summary of the project you're proposing, including contents, format, and page count; a complete outline and page allocation for the project; a sample chapter of no less than 5,000 words, showing that you can write background material as well as game mechanics, and that you understand the main text/sidebar format of GURPS books; and a notarized Game Evaluation Waiver (a reduced copy of the Game Evaluation Waiver appears at the left; to make it 8 1/2" by 11", enlarge it on a photocopying machine at 170%); and a long SASE for our reply. If you wish your sample chapter and other material returned, include an SASE large enough to hold the entire package.

In both the cover letter and on the Game Evaluation waiver, you should include your name, address, telephone number, Social Security number, and date of birth. Without all of this information, we cannot sign any contract. Nor can we sign a deal on a proposal without the sample chapter; if we receive an interesting proposal without a sample chapter, we'll send it back, asking the author to draft us a 5,000 word sample for review. And if you don't include a signed, notarized Game Evaluation Waiver, we can't even look at your proposal – we have to send it back, unread.

Of course, it's always a good idea to write for our current writer's guidelines before submitting a proposal. The Writer's Guidelines contain much more complete information about submitting a proposal to SJ Games, and about what is and is not expected of authors once the contract is signed. To receive the guidelines, as well as a full-sized copy of the Game Evaluation Waiver, send a long SASE with your request to SJ Games, Writer's Guidelines, Box 18957, Austin, TX, 78760.

By the way, projects we're especially interested in seeing proposals for include solo and GM adventures for any of our licensed worldbooks (Horseclans, Humanx, Conan, and Witch World), new worldbooks, and adventure/sourcebooks for any of our worldbooks.

BOX 15257
AUSTIN, TX 75760


This is to certify that I, ________________________, have submitted an original game design,
manuscript. or concept to Steve Jackson Games (hereinafter "SJ Games") for evaluation. I certify that this material is the product of my own creative effort and that I am legally able to offer it for sale. I further warrant that this material is not presently being considered for publication by any publisher or other entity, and that I will not submit it for such evaluation for four months after the date of this waiver, or until I receive an evaluation and/or offer from SJ Games, whichever comes first.

It is specifically stated and agreed that this document is neither a contract nor an offer by SJ Games to purchase said design, manuscript, or concept, but instead a vehicle for the protection of SJ Games against possible legal actions arising from its evaluation of said material.

The material I am submitting for evaluation is described and summarized as follows:




This material is a

( ) complete game design ready to be playtested
( ) manuscript only
( ) partial game design requiring further development
( ) other: __________________________________

It is specifically understood that this material is submitted voluntarily, and that this submission and the examination of this material by SJ Games does not establish, by implication or otherwise, any relationship between myself and SJ Games not expressed herein. It is further understood that SJ Games, according to its own judgment, may accept or reject the material submitted and shall not be obligated to me in any way with respect thereto, unless and until SJ Games shall at its own election enter into a properly executed written agreement with me, and then only according to the terms of the said agreement.

It is further stated and agreed that I, ____________________, the author of the material submitted, fully understand that SJ Games may already have in its possession or under development similar designs, manuscripts, or other creative works bearing a resemblance in subject matter, mechanics, design innovations, concept, theme, etc., to my submission, and that said other works may be published in the future after my present submission has been evaluated and rejected. I hereby agree that, should such a situation occur, I shall have no claim or recourse, legal or otherwise, against SJ Games.

Author _______________________________________________ Date ___________________

Notary Public __________________________________________________

My Commission expires: _________________________________________

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