August 18, 2004: Web ForumsIn 1985, Steve Jackson Games started the Illuminati BBS, a one-line bulletin board running on an Apple II, to talk to the gamers and let them talk back. Some interesting things happened over the years, but our online presence has continued to grow.As of now, we've adopted the newest form of "bulletin board" technology. We've got a web forum. It's free; you're invited to join. You can sign up right now. There are a variety of discussion areas, and we can add more if we need to. We'll see what develops! Note: Someday . . . maybe soon . . . we're going to reorganize things here so that every user of our online services . . . Pyramid, Warehouse 23, e23, the forums, those hypothetical online games . . . has a single account, with a single username and password. Therefore, if you happen to be a Pyramid or JTAS subscriber, using the same login name for the forums just may avoid a small problem later.
Anyway: Here are the the forums. We think they'll be a Good Thing. Thanks to Kira for the graphics and to Sage for installing and tweaking the code!
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