Daily Illuminator

June 19, 2007: Michelle Is Back!

Michelle Barrett, who was our Warehouse 23 Goddess during the period when W23 really grew up, has returned from a sabbatical in Seattle. Shadlyn has W23 well under control, so Michelle's new posting is twofold. In the first place, she's my new Executive Assistant. She has enough experience as part of Senior Staff that she knows at least something about every part of our operations, so I can delegate to her. Delegate, Steve, delegate!

And in the second place, she's Playtest Coordinator, a job title that didn't exist before. (Glad cries from Michelle: "After eight years in the gaming business, I finally get to play something!") She's about to find out that the playing part can be work too . . . I need someone in this job, because playtesting is a very serious thing indeed, and if we're going to ramp up our production, someone other than me has to take charge of that part of the operation.

I know from her time at W23 that Michelle is capable of great attention to detail. Now she gets to use it to make our games better.
-- Steve Jackson

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