March 11, 2012: Warehouse 23's Top Products For February
If you ever wanted to know what the top selling products at Warehouse 23 are, today is your lucky day. We just got in the sales numbers for February and, in a move that surprises no one, folks really like Munchkin! And last month y'all really liked Munchkin boosters!
Long-time favorites Munchkin Monster Enhancers and Munchkin Reloaded! topped the charts with relative newcomers Munchkin: Reindeer Games and the Exclusive Warehouse 23 Munchkin Booster 2011. The Munchkin Zombies Meat Lockers groaned and shuffled their way out of our warehouse and into your homes. And folks must really enjoy pink things because both Munchkin Fairy Dust and Munchkin Fairy Dust Dice were top sellers last month (maybe the February Munchkin Fairy Dust Handbag of Holding promotion had something to do with that).
“That's great, Angie,” you might be saying. “But why do we want to know what Warehouse 23 sold in February?”
Well, not only does this tell us what you interested and interesting people who read the Daily Illuminator want (so we can plan our stock levels and production schedules accordingly), it tells you what products you should pick up sooner than later to add to your game libraries. Plus, in this case, it gives me an excuse to talk about Munchkin, one of my favorite games!
Be sure to check out Warehouse 23 or your FLGS for February's top sellers and all your other Munchkin and Steve Jackson Games needs! We can't wait to see what is popular in March!
-- Angie Kreuser

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