September 23, 2004: Now Shipping!
These are our September 2004 releases, headed out across the country and the world to distributors and game stores everywhere:
Cardboard Heroes Modern Characters
Enough full-color miniatures for every modern game you'll ever play! Over 400 human figures, plus hundreds of weapons, accessories, corpses, and other lie-flat counters. Soldiers and cops, Nazis and gangsters, cowboys and Indians, and lots and lots of modern-day civilians for all your games.
16 sheets; over 400 characters.
Stock #2120,
ISBN 1-55634-437-6.
GURPS GM's Screen
Put the amazing flexibility and power of GURPS at your fingertips with this data-packed GM's Screen. This screen features a gorgeous John Zeleznik painting with all of the Fourth Edition iconic characters, plus six panels full of all the crucial charts, tables, and other essentials from GURPS Fourth Edition. . . . complete combat tables, reaction charts, and other references to make the GM's job faster and easier.
Also included is a copy of the new Fourth Edition version of
the 32-page core of the GURPS rules. GURPS Lite is a valuable rules summary, but it's also designed, in particular, as a teaching tool . . . it makes it easy for an experienced player or GM to introduce others to the system. A second 48-page book includes character sheets, forms, a master list of character creation features, and GURPS Update, a complete guide to converting your PC to Fourth Edition.
This screen is beautiful, useful . . . and yes, you can use it to hide your die rolls, too.
Four-panel screen. Includes GURPS Lite and a 48-page book of conversion notes and game aids.
Stock #01-0005,
ISBN 1-55634-732-4.
Game starts. Enemy in sight . . . Frag him! Grab his stuff! Run! Get a bigger gun! Grab some armor! There he is again! Frag him! Whoa, there's another one. Run . . . you're hit! You're down. Respawn! Grab a weapon! Start again!
Frag is a computer game without a computer. It's a "first-person shooter" on a tabletop. Move your fighter and frag your foes; draw cards for weapons, armor, and gadgets; move through the blood spatters to restore your own health! If you die, you respawn and come back shooting!
Easy to learn, fast-moving, fun . . . two supplements are already out, and more are coming!
Boxed game with cards and color game map.
Stock #1339,
ISBN 1-55634-651-4.
Go down in the dungeon. Kill everything you meet. Backstab your friends and steal their stuff. Grab the treasure and run.
Admit it. You love it.
This new card game, designed by Steve Jackson, captures the essence of the dungeon experience . . . with none of that stupid roleplaying stuff. You and your friends compete to kill monsters and grab magic items. And what magic items! Don the Horny Helmet and the Boots of Butt-Kicking. Wield the Staff of Napalm . . . or maybe the Chainsaw of Bloody Dismemberment. Start by slaughtering the Potted Plant and the Drooling Slime, and work your way up to the Plutonium Dragon . . .
And it's illustrated by John Kovalic! Fast-playing and silly, Munchkin can reduce any roleplaying group to hysteria. And, while they're laughing, you can steal their stuff.
Boxed game.
Stock #1408,
ISBN 1-55634-473-2.
Munchkin 3 - Clerical Errors
You wanted more Munchkin, so here it is! Created by Steve Jackson and illustrated by John Kovalic . . . Munchkin 3 - Clerical Errors has 112 more cards for the best-selling game of killing monsters and taking their stuff. Play a new race: Gnomes! Try on the Bard class. Face the Tequila Mockingbird, the Bad Ass, and the dreaded Auntie Paladin! Equip yourself with amazing items like the Chainmail Bikini and the Stab-A-Matic . . . and show them who’s the mightiest, munchkinest dungeon delver of them all.
And this set has a special treat. We asked five of our favorite Comic
Guys to do one card each. So in this set you'll find:
112 cards.
Stock #1416,
ISBN 1-55634-713-8.

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