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May 1, 2024: Voice Advice?

(Or should that be "advoice"?) I love using different character voices at the table in my tabletop roleplaying games. This technique helps differentiate characters, provide atmosphere, and separate what I'm doing as the GM (or player) from what the character(s) I control are doing. However, I've run into a problem: Keeping track of the voices I've used. This is especially hard in a larger or longer-running campaign. As a result, after a while a lot of my characters end up as BBC-drama-reject vague intellectuals (insert your own conclusions about my default personality here).

I feel like there should be a better way to keep it straight, but I haven't found a magic bullet in that regard. I've tried to jot down notes to myself ("scatter-brained Humphrey Bogart" or "goth-tinged weather announcer"), and that'll often get me close. If I'm feeling really . . . [more]

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April 30, 2024: Forget The Hook

I recently posted an idea about how you can use hooks to come up with cool ideas for your tabletop RPGs. Here's another quick-and-easy trick: You can still use those hooks even if you don't use those hooks.

No, this isn't some Yoda-esque Zen koan – although I wouldn't mind a cool cape-wearing action figure of me. Rather, it's an observation that the point of inspiration is the inspiration . . . and once you're inspired, you might no longer need the hook.

In the previous example, I developed the start of an encounter based on the hook: "What if the heroes are in disguise and combat breaks out?" I had a hypothetical GM contemplating how that might mean the heroes were given the idea by their supervisor to go in disguise to infiltrate the hidden base to retrieve vital plans. But what if the players hear the Commander's plan and decide, "That's a terrible idea! We're . . . [more]

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April 29, 2024: Munchkin Big Box: What A Difference A Week Makes!

Munchkin Big Box went live on BackerKit on April 18, and it's been a whirlwind ever since! This crowdfunding campaign reached its initial funding goal of $75,000 in under 5 minutes, and it never looked back. Rather, we never looked back!
As of Sunday evening, the campaign was a little bit south of $750,000 and a little bit north of 5,000 supporters. Our fantastic backers have unlocked 15 stretch goals, including an enamel pin, wooden meeples, another set of dividers, and a dice tray. 
We've spent the weekend brainstorming some more neat stretch goals, and yes! We listened to your suggestions. This should be an exciting week! Head on over to the Munchkin Big Box campaign to check out the impressive contents of this box as well as a complete list of the stretch goals that have already been unlocked. Munchkin Big Box is chock-full of goodies, and there will be many more surprises. . . .


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April 28, 2024: Deck Of Many Games

Here's a handy idea if you're having a hard time deciding on a game and want to rotate through your collection more often. Write the name of each game you're considering on a card (such as index cards . . . or perhaps using a permanent marker on the cards of a game that you've decided you never want to play again but you want to secure some additional utility from it). When it comes time to pick a game, deal a card from your "deck." Put that card aside so you won't draw it again. When you want to play another game, draw a new option from the deck. Eventually all the game-possibility cards will be in the "discard" pile, and it'll be time to shuffle 'em together and start again.

You can tweak this idea to suit your library and play preferences. For example, if you like to play a certain game twice as often as others, you can add two cards with that game into your deck. But the base idea . . . [more]

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April 27, 2024: Tips And Tricks For Your Best Game Night Ever

It's Saturday. Finally, the weekend is here. Your friends are coming over for gaming tonight, so you want it to be perfect. Here are some of our best tips and tricks for hosting a fantastic session that your friends will remember. 
1. Before the evening even begins, it's important to curate the guest list. Consider the games you would like to play and think about whether the night is best suited for a TTRPG, a cooperative game, a war game, or a whole lot of dice rolling. Once the games of your choice are locked in, invite accordingly. Also, be sure to send out the invitation well in advance to ensure your friends are more likely to be free to attend. Have a backup game planned if the number of attendees suddenly changes or if someone needs to leave mid-party. 
2. There is always a concern about drinks spilling on cards, sticky fingers on miniatures, and Cheeto dust on the game . . .


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