November 14, 2017 – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Austin, Texas (November 14, 2018) – Fans of Steve Jackson Games and futuristic tank warfare showed a ton of support for our Ogre Miniatures Set 1 Kickstarter, raising more than $124,000 – so how could we not run a second?
Ogre Miniatures Set 2 is on Kickstarter now with a goal of $15,000, and it runs through Tuesday, November 27.
This set brings wargamers 40 armor units and 18 infantry units, all with the same great level of detail as Ogre Miniatures Set 1.
Ogre Miniatures Set 2 includes a red Combine Mark IV Ogre. Additionally, the set includes Paneuropean forces in blue, and feature a Fencer cybertank with an extra Fencer-B turret, six Superheavy Tanks, six GEV-PCs with full load of infantry, 12 Light GEVs, 12 Light Tanks, and four Mobile Howitzers.
The set also comes with three erasable record sheets, one for the Ogre and two for the Fencer, to make sure players can keep their focus on their tactics, not on record-keeping.
The campaign offers three reward levels for players, and one for retailers. Players can back for one set of minis, three sets in three different color schemes, or six sets, two in each color scheme. Retailers can back it for nine sets of minis, three in each color scheme.
These minis are unpainted and unassembled. They're compatible with Ogre Sixth Edition, Ogre Designer's Edition, and Ogre Miniatures.
About Steve Jackson Games
Steve Jackson Games, based in Austin, Texas, has been publishing games, game books, and magazines since 1980. Its best-selling game is Munchkin, with over 8 million copies of the games and supplements in print worldwide. Other top sellers are GURPS (the Generic Universal RolePlaying System), Zombie Dice, and Illuminati. Past hits have included Car Wars and Toon. Steve's very first game, Ogre, originally released in 1977, drew almost a million dollars' worth of Kickstarter support in 2012 for a super-deluxe edition, which was released in late 2013.
Ariel Barkhurst, Press and Retail Liaison
(512) 447-7866 x207
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