Written by Greg Rose
Third Edition Revised by Hans-Christian Vortisch and William Toporek
Edited by William H. Stoddard
Cover art by Danilo Ducak
Illustrated by Gene Seabolt
GURPS Line Editor: Sean Punch
162 pages. Softcover.
Suggested Retail Price $26.95
Stock number 01-6027
ISBN 978-1-55634-836-5
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160 pages. Softcover.
Suggested Retail Price $9.95
Stock number 6029
ISBN 1-55634-625-5
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The Third Edition of this popular military sourcebook is massively updated and lengthened. Roleplay behind-the-lines strikes, hostage rescue, guerrilla warfare, and other special-ops missions. There's lots of detail on weaponry and information on the world's top unconventional-warfare units . . . Rangers, Delta Force, Spetsnaz, SEALs, Special Air Service, Sayeret Matkal, and more.

- GURPS High-Tech – Descriptions and stats for hundreds of kinds of historical weapons and personal armor, vehicles from the stagecoach to modern helicopters, and much more.
- GURPS SEALs in Vietnam – In the sea, on the land, or in the air, the SEALs were created to deal with the most dangerous territory Vietnam could offer.
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