LindorylYrth Elf, Combat Mage[created by] Attributes(10) ST 10 Advantages (60 points):Elf, Attractive (Racial), Combat Reflexes (Racial), Magical Aptitude +2, Musical Ability +2, Unaging (Racial), Literacy. Disadvantages (-40 points):Code of Honor (Live elegant life) (Racial), Sense of Duty (Nature) (Racial), Honesty, Overconfidence, Sense of Duty (party, -5 points), Stubbornness, Code of Honor (like Gentleman's COH, -10 points). Quirks (-5 points):[Insert 5 quirks here] Languages:Elvish-13, Anglish-11 (0.5). Skills:Bard-9, Savoir-Faire-13 (0.5), Area Knowl. (N&E of Teridar)-12 (0.5), Dancing-11 (0.5), Fast Draw (Sword)-13 (0.5), Judo-11 (1), Knife-12 (0.5), Musical Instr. (flute)-12 (0.5), Riding (Horse)-11 (0.5), Running-7 (0.5), Shield-12 (0.5), Shortsword-12 (1), Spell Throwing (Lightning)-14 (2), Stealth-12 (1), Survival (Woodlands)-11 (0.5), Swimming-12 (0.5). Spells:Might-13 (1), Itch-13 (1), Spasm-13 (1), Pain-13 (1), Resist Pain-13 (1), Lend Strength-13 (1), Purify Air-13 (1), No-Smell-13 (1), Create Air-13 (1), Shape Air-13 (1), Body of Air-13 (1), Walk on Air-13 (1), Windstorm-13 (1), Whirlwind-13 (1), Lightning-15 (4), Iron Arm-15 (4), Shield-13 (1), Missile Shield-13 (1). Weapons & PossessionsShortsword, $400, 2#, cut 1, impale 1-2. Conversions:Modern:If there are elves running around loose . . . Add some tech skills and Literacy. Near Future:"Elves" may be a gengineered race! To get the right attitude, though, maybe they took over the company that created them . . . Their "magic" might be psionics. Space:"Elves" might be an alien race - either leave as-is (for a primative one), or add tech skills and Literacy. The magical abilities may be replaced with similar psionic ones. [These were done up for a con - it's a diplomatic (?) party of elves, sent to Megalos to protest the breaking of some treaties; in the convention-game, they arrived just as somebody started trying to kill all the elves in Megalos . . . One of the great things about elves is that all the names can be for either gender. <grin>] Lindoryl is one of Elowyn's retinue, but can fit into other groups easily, or appear solo. (Back to list of Fantasy Characters) | |
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