Chorazon the PrimeWhitehood Mountains Castle Battle-MageMovement College expertTotal: 75 points Attributes (40 CP):ST: 10 (0) Advantages (39 CP):Magical Aptitude level 5 (Movement College Only) (34), Absolute Direction (5), Familiar (0) [House Rule: Mages can purchase standard Magery up to 1/3 of their IQ (round down) and One-College or Limited Magery up to 1/2 of their IQ (ditto). If these rules are out-of-line for your game, simply reduce any Magery levels above 3 and use points thus saved to beef up the character's main spells.] Disadvantages (-40 CP):Duty (*) (-10), Skinny (-5), Lame (Legless; only worth 1/2 value due to spells, Has Legs, but they are paralyzed and atrophied) (-17), Weak Will 1 (-8) Quirks (-5 CP):Wears long Sweeping Robes that Hide his Condition (-1), Hears Strange Music, especially at Night (-1), Another Secretive member of that Paranoid Megalan Mage-family (-1), Thinks that Movement Spells make the Planets and Stars move According to Plan and wants to Tap their awesome Power (-1) & Likes Meat, Bloody rare, Hates Vegetables (-1) Skills (22 CP):Staff (from Spear) 0-11, Body Sense (+3) 2-14 Spells (19 CP):Haste 1-15, Great Haste* 2-15, Apportation 1-15, Poltergeist 1-15, Winged Knife 1-15, Teleport* 2-15, Blink 1-15, Teleport Other* 2-15, Levitation 1-15, Flight* 2-15, Hawk Flight* 1-14, Manipulate 1-15, Lockmaster 1-15, Ethereal Body* 1-14, Glue 1-15 (Movement College Improv skill: 15) Spell Researcha Fast (Mv: 6) or Mass Levitation Spell. Chorazon's Familiar (Wynken, a Taltos Hound)Taltos Hound Familiar: ST: 6, DX: 12, IQ: 7, HT: 12 / 6, SPD/Dodge: 24 / 12 (12 / 6 on the ground), PD: 0, DR: 1, Dam: 1d-3 Cut, Reach: C, Size: 1, Wt: 50 lbs. Wynken has Combat Reflexes and Acute Taste/Smell +7. He knows Body Sense at 12, Stealth and Flight at 13 and Brawling at 14, as well as Teleport* at 15 & Tracking at 14. He has Flight. (0 CP) Finally got around to adding Familiars and Disads to the 25 "Generic Mages" our PC's hired in a fairly long-running GURPS campaign. All are 75 CP and any could be used alone. They were made before Grimoire, so none of them have any spells from it. I will probably make a few based on Grimoire spells later. * All have a -10 CP Duty (Whitehood Castle, 12 or less). All are 75 CP characters. As an army contingent, they are outfitted with Heavy Leather Armor of +1 PD, +2 DR and 25% Lighten, 1 Chiron unguent, a Ring of Bless 1 and a Fine Staff with a Spearhead and Staff spell. The exceptions are Wild Jasmine, who has enchanted Dog-Barding and non-magical Heavy Leather and a large necklace of Bless 1 and Carlsen the Wraith, who has upper class clothes of +1 PD and +2 DR and who has a 25% Lighten on his Staff in lieu of a spearhead. All Familiars have IQ: 7 (5), Rider Within (5), Telepathy (5) & Mage Suffers Wounds (-15) for a net cost of 0 CP. The exceptions are Balthazar's Owl, Asura's Kekeko, Breas' Serpent, Wild Jasmine's Changeling and Darmon's Faerie, all of which have IQ: 7 (5), Speech (10) & Mage Suffers Wounds (-15) for a net cost of 0 CP. The last 10 Mages are from a Mages Academy and are "on practicum," having spent 1/2 of their starting wealth on their training & are the best of the best. The others were recruited in various other venues, but are working well with the students. Notable friends include; Akron & Calthnum, Carlsen & Emmorath, Shivaak & Y'ghrul-Neh and Mymerah & Samilthea. Asura has become rather tight with the contingent of 10 Healing Mages that are separately retained elsewhere in the castle. Mokharitos & Norskaal spend too much time around the Sworn Executioner, who is "known" by all to be a sadistic Necromancer. Chorozon & Carlsen are secretly brothers. Their overseer is the doddering old duck, Seron, a partially senile, half-blind, mostly deaf and overwhelmingly powerful sorcerer who rose from humble beginnings (knowing only Earth Magics and a few Healing spells to clear mastery of a dozen colleges!) to become the Court Wizard to Castle Whitehood. Anyone who says "Whitebread Castle" in front of its Lord, Sir Senistar, will probably get an unforgettable private meeting with the aforementioned Executioner . . . --Ian Turner. (Back to list of Fantasy Characters) | |
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