December 25, 2011: Have A Hacky, Slashy Christmas!
Here are special Christmas rules in effect for all varieties of Munchkin and Munchkin Quest today, December 25, 2011 -- and only today!
If you eat a slice of fruitcake, go up a level. This cannot be for the winning level, and all other players must see you eat it -- no feeding it to the dog, who has enough problems. You may do this once per game.
If you got jammies as a Christmas gift, start the game at Level 2. If they are footie jammies, you may also automatically Run Away from one combat per game.
Wearing a Christmas sweater is a tradition! When you get your starting hand, get one additional card (your choice of Door/DxM or Treasure) for each of the following on your sweater:
Bells (must be ACTUAL jingle bells, not just a picture)
Reindeer (antlers count!)
Bows, ribbons, or tinsel
Wrapped presents
Santa and/or elves
Finally, if your birthday falls within two days of December 25, in either direction, then you may demand help from other players and they cannot refuse unless the winning level is at stake. That'll teach 'em to combine your presents!
Hoping you have a wonderful holiday season and a happy new year!
-- Andrew Hackard

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