June 14, 2009: Looking Back At Licenses
Although the recently uploaded Vorkosigan Saga Sourcebook and Roleplaying Game is likely the most complete licensed product we've ever done, it certainly isn't the first. In fact, here's a baker's dozen of GURPS books that adapted licensed properties, and are still available. You'll want to grab hardcopies of these, as most of our earlier contracts do not allow us to do do a new print run, or to make them available as PDF on e23. (Our current contracts do, obviously!)
- Alpha Centauri. Based on the Sid Meier video game of the same name.
- Blue Planet. An aquatic planet, uplifted species, and an exploitable natural resource? Sign me up!
- Castle Falkenstein. Victorian steampunk!
- Deadlands. Six guns and hexes, while the dead walk through an alternate Civil War. What's not to love?
- Hellboy Sourcebook and Roleplaying Game. Big Red has been popularized with two appearances on the big screen (and two animated series), but the original graphic novels remain my favorite depiction of the occult investigator and his team.
- Humanx: For Love of Mother-Not. This solo adventure -- based on the novel of the same name by Alan Dean Foster -- was thought long gone, but the intrepid W23 crew uncovered just a few. Get 'em while you can!
- Lensman. Doc Smith's Lensmen don't need lightsabers; they're just that awesome.
- Myth. Based on the video games Myth: The Fallen Lords and Myth II: Soulblighter, this setting has the Dark battling the Light, archmages, and hordes of undead. Good stuff!
- New Sun. Gene Wolfe's award-winning series of boy meets sword, boy uses sword, boy takes over world.
- Planet Krishna. Sword and space opera from Golden Age author L. Sprague De Camp.
- Planet of Adventure. The title says it all -- an entire planet, designed by Jack Vance no less, to adventure on.
- Uplift. David Brin's universe of dolphins wearing walkers, and wisecracking inteligent chimps. At least, they were always wisecracking in my games.
- Traveller. One of the first science fiction RPGs, with more GURPS supplements than . . . well, nearly any other topic or world.
Where's Randy Today?
And the answer is: Agents Comics and Games in Wichita, KS. From 3-6pm, stop in and look for the guy grinning like the Cheshire Cat.
-- Paul Chapman

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