Daily Illuminator

November 1, 2004: Trick Or Treat!

Yesterday I did something that I've only done a few times in the past 20+ years . . . I attended an SCA event. Back in the day, I was very active in the SCA, but around 1983, give or take a year, I said "No more." But the Austin barony was holding a 25th-anniversary event, and they invited their old Baron to come back and see how things were done these days. Pretty spiffy. I had a good time.

And today was Halloween, so a bit of house-decorating took place for the trick-or-treaters. Not as many as there used to be in this neighborhood, but I had an even 30 cute visitors, plus one (but only one) hulking teen with no costume. They all got candy. (Ahh, for the time to do it RIGHT. I've always thought it would be great fun to set up a haunt. There aren't enough hours in the day or weeks in the year for half the silly stuff that really deserves to be done.)
-- Steve Jackson

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