October 8, 2006: Help Wanted
This is not a regular help-wanted announcement. Normally, before we invite applications, we post a specific job description. (Which doesn't prevent people from writing hopeful little "I have no experience but I learn fast" letters.) But we do try to make it clear what we are looking for.
At the moment, though, we need SOME kind of help in the area of print buying and production management. Monica is seriously overloaded. But there are several different ways we could divide up the work, so all we're really sure of is:
- This is, absolutely, an Austin-based job. No would-be telecommuters need apply; sorry.
- We would consider half- or 3/4 time, but we'd prefer a full-time employee.
- Both literacy and computer literacy are required.
- We can train in our procedures, but we're not willing to start from the ground floor. If we make an offer, it will be to someone who has significant experience in print buying, print SALES (which is the flip side of print buying), or management and scheduling of print projects.
- Enthusiasm for games is a plus; editorial skills are a plus . . . but not enough of a plus to make up for lack of experience in the core work area.
- Likewise, serious Quark skills are a plus, even though we are definitely not talking about full-time production work.
- Proofreading and filing are both involved. If you are not detail-oriented, you will hate this work for the little time that you keep it.
If you're interested, send an e-mail to sj@sjgames.com, with the subject "Print Buying." Your resume should be pasted into the body of the mail so I can read it without fooling with attachments. If you cannot figure out how to do this, you do not qualify for a position in that department anyway.
I will respond immediately, rather than collecting and analyzing two weeks of resumes before reading any of them, so you'll have some idea where you stand quickly.
Steve Jackson

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