September 3, 2010: Ok, Now What?
Yes, you know we're going to be at PAX Prime this weekend. And our obvious activity will be "running demos." But what else will we be doing?
- Munchkin Twitter Explosion. I know we mentioned it before, but yeah, Munchkin wackiness and Twitter. I love it.
- Ultra-Top-Secret Playtest. A product so "eyes-only" I can't say much more . . . what, Phil already posted a picture of the Munchkin Zombies logo on our Twitter feed? I guess it isn't quite so secret, but it'll still be fun!
- Mega-Chibithulhu Giveaway! Since everybody loves free stuff, and Mega-Chibithulhu loves you, we'll have a place to drop your business card (or we'll provide you with an old Munchkin card to scrawl your name on), and we'll choose one lucky winner every day.
- Formerly Staff-Only Shirts, Now On Sale! The most popular question at conventions is usually "What's new for Munchkin?" The second most common question is "Where can I get that shirt?" Up until now, the answer was, "Staff only, sorry." At PAX, we have a limited number of Zombie Dice and Cthulhu Dice shirts available through Games & Gizmos -- very limited, so get 'em quick!
- SJ will be part of the Game Design 101 panel, on Friday starting at 10:30am. He'll also be in our demo area from noon to 1pm, and from 4pm to 5pm, every day.
- Demos! We'll be hanging out on the second level of the convention center, in the same area we were last year. We're right under the escalators, next to the Rock Band area. Stop by between 10am and 10pm for demos of Zombie Dice, Cthulhu Dice, Munchkin, Revolution!, and anything else!
-- Paul Chapman

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September 3, 2010: Illuminated Site of the Week: The Doctors Will See Right Through You Now

If you thought a visit to the doctor was a scary thing, wait until you find out about all the stuff mainstream medicine hasn't been telling you. The Whale gives us the skinny on the vaccine "racket," the ease with which AIDS ought to be treated (it's the causes, you see, not the cures), and more on the dental conspiracy. To get invited to all the right parties, they also devote pages to the usual suspects: 9/11 theories, dowsing, orgone (they'll even sell you the orgonite), and more. Be warned, with all the shoptalk on disease, you can run across the occasional unpleasant picture on this site. But then, if you haven't got your health, what have you got?
-- Andy

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