Daily Illuminator

May 5, 2009: Happy Anniversary, Alex!

This week, Alex has been with Steve Jackson Games for a full decade. In the gaming industry, where talented people like Alex usually move on, lured away by bigger dollars at more mundane companies, this is a milestone to celebrate.

Alex started as a Production Artist . . . and he's still our Production Artist. He's laid out a ridiculously huge chunk of the print products we've released this century, and provided hundreds of illustrations. Remember the cover for GURPS Steam-Tech? That's Alex's. He did all the art -- cover and interiors --  for GURPS Shapeshifters, Dragons, and Faerie, as well as Spooks.

When he's not here, Alex has a huge pet lizard that he lets swim around in his pool like a horror film. He also gets into costumes (check out his Halloween pictures!) and . . . well, he does art too.

Thanks, Alex, for the last ten years! Here's to the next ten!

-- Paul Chapman

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