Daily Illuminator

May 8, 2009: Want To Geekify Your Mom's Day Gift?

The largest growing target market for video games is not teens -- they all have their favorite platforms already, and there's rarely anyone under the age of 20 who can't handle a controller. No, the population that's picking up video games for the first time is adult professional women -- in other words, your mom.

Nintendo has come up a nifty package for this Mother's Day: a lime green Nintendo DS Lite, packaged with a carrying case and a copy of Personal Trainer: Cooking.

(You did remember that Mother's Day is this Sunday, right? He said, with an evil grin.)

Will it turn your mom into a Penny Arcade reading, Steam-lovin' computer nut? Not likely. But it might help her understand why you spend all those nights on Left 4 Dead.

-- Paul Chapman

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